The Living Shall Not Die

My daughter recently reminded me of a great truth that as a Christian I know but sometimes I don't reflect upon. What is that truth? When someone dies in Christ and we are Christians also, we are not really saying goodbye, for we will yet meet again in Heaven. This poem came forth from that conversation. May it be a comfort to you.

"Goodbye," the transient said,
And laid a flower on the flag
On which the supine lived
That draped the living dead.

The shell devoid, ere fully sung,
The melody of cursed ground-
Of death, disease, decay,
Had from the belfries rung.

And from the tear-stained eyes,
A vein of hope was forged.
To wake the ancient truth,
The living shall not die.

In Christ, this soul is known.
As a constant figure He,
Will reap until the trusted day,
The aeons for His are sown.
