A Riddle to Consider

 I have been reading "The Hobbit" by Tolkien to my kids in the evenings. Today, we finished one of my favorite chapters, "Riddles in the Dark" (Chapter 5). In this chapter there is a wonderfully written dialogue between Bilbo and Gollum that encompasses 9 riddles in aggregate. I thought it would be enjoyable to write my own. Can you guess the answer to this one?

"What is universally known,

In languages and dialects sown;

Used to cheer, used for right

Used for evil, used to fright;

Stirs the heart for battle, 

Yet calms the infant's cradle; 

Both softens and hardens the heart, 

(Enjoining together and breaking apart);

Has many an ear accosted, 

Though its forms have not been exhausted?"
