Tell Me Love, Speak to Me

Did you ever have a family member that suffered from dementia or Alzheimer's? Communication can be frustrating not only for the sick person but also for the caregiver. One of the ways  researchers promote to facilitate communication is to just simply take time to sit down next to the person suffering and ask them to tell you how they feel and what they want you to know in order to help them. My sister who is currently giving care to a family member in a situation like this thought it would be beneficial to promote this thought through music and asked me to write the words for the song. (Disclaimer: she is currently writing the accompaniment for the words).The following is what came forth and I pray it is a blessing to you:

Verse 1:
When you were just a little girl
With porcelain dolls and hair with curls 
You couldn't say much then.
With smile on face and gleam in eye
Your father placed you by his side
and looked at you -and said


Tell me love, speak to me
Tell me all the things that you dream
And in the simplest way 
Tell me today, How I can
How I can help you.

Verse 2:
Now you are much older now
Wrinkles creep on eyes and brow
And youthful days are past
You didn't ask for this disease 
All your hope and plans are seized
And now I care for you-and say

Tell me love, speak to me
Tell me all the things that you dream
And in the simplest way 
Tell me today, How I can
How I can help you.


And the Father sees every tear you cry
And you will one day hold his nail pierced hand- by his side
And he'll say...

Last Chorus:
I am Love, speak to me 
I know everything that you have ever dreamed
And in my way, I tell you today,
That I will, forever will 
That I will, forever will
Help you.
